
Go Go Jason Waterfalls!

Monday, February 14, 2011


Yesterday I went to the hospital (Saint Mary's Emerge has such better wait times) because I noticed a huge increase in the number of bubbles, squiggles, and specks of light in my vision. My doctor told me to get this checked out if it were to happen. I was only 5 minutes away from the hospital at the time, so I headed over, and was transferred from Triage (where I learned from a conversation I overheard that the smallest shark is the Dwarf Shark) to Minor Treatment in 15 minutes. The man I followed in was holding a dish towel on his head, his hair matted with blood. I found out later that he had fallen an hit his head; he got 15 stitches. I was seen within 3 hours. The doctor didn't see anything immediately wrong, but he referred me to an ophthalmologist. I was told it would take over a week to hear from their office. They called me today -my appointment is tomorrow morning! I'm not sure whether my getting in SO soon is a good or bad thing...

P.S. I've been meaning to mention my alarm clock. My mother got me a neat rolling alarm clock for Christmas. The screen and buttons give it the appearance of a ridiculously happy face. It seems to take delight in waking me, as it rolls around on its wheels and spins on its axle.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Big Brother

Sometime after my father died, I started going out with a Big Brother. Martin seemed like a nice guy. We went to movies, he got me lots of things, and encouraged me to start reading adult-sized novels and write stories. He was tough on me, though. If I became upset at something, or was scared to try something, he would put me down, saying things like "are you a mouse or a man?" When I would start to cry, he would just become angrier. Eventually I couldn't take it anymore, his abuse was occurring nearly every time we went out, and I refused to see him again.

A few days ago, I was grocery shopping with Mom, and we ran into him. I hate having to interact with people from my past; I like to keep them there. I shook his hand, politely chatting with him. He was all reminiscent about our model building projects. I don't know if he remembered hurting me. I can never tell with this sort of thing. The encounter rattled me a little.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I went out for dinner with my mother to Ye's Sushi for my 22nd birthday. I hate fish, and was hoping there would be other types of food (yay adventure!); there was. It was all-you-can-eat and we sampled various dishes. I tried shitake mushroom, just to say that I have (it was disgusting, like all other mushrooms). I ordered the bacon-wrapped bamboo (asparagus that I actually liked) twice, and for dessert I had a divine mango mousse, with a lengthy wait for the mango aftertaste. I agreed to let Mom tell the staff it was my birthday, but they only sing for you if you have a group of at least 4 people. Throughout our meal, a stern man in all black, Ye, I assume, patrolled the dining area. There was also a daisho, sparkling sayas, behind the cash register. I wonder if they're real...

It was a good day. Then after midnight I vomited. Twice. For the first time since I had to drink charcoal, nearly 4 years ago. I'm not sure if if was due the food, or from the migraine I had. I'd forgotten how awful it feels to wretch.