
Go Go Jason Waterfalls!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Farmers' Market

Today I went to the St. Jacobs Farmers' Market. It's been a long time since my favourite store (Weather gem shop) closed. The owner, Colin, had too much on his plate and wanted to focus only on his stalls at the market. Other than Stonebridge imports (which is for the most part overpriced), it was the only gem shop in town. Having to go to (the outskirts) of St. Jacobs is a bit tedious, though it makes the acquisition of some shiny new rocks all the more rewarding. A downside to this is that I have to battle my way through hordes of (zombies) shoppers milling about. Very stressful.

Anyway, I got a few stones, including two slabs of labradorite (one with gold labradorescence, the other with a lovely blue), a handful of quartz crystals, and an aventurine pendant. I don't normally buy jewelry, but it was such an interesting stone. I also got a container of Diatomaceous Earth to help keep away the evil Red Lily Beetles that have been ravaging my poor lilies this year. The traditional bag of sponge toffee (mmmm) and glass of fresh-squeezed orange juice were obtained as well.

Before heading home was a stop to the antique store across the street. They have an entire alcove devoted to all things Star Wars, and I came looking for the novels needed to complete my collection (the earlier ones are becoming increasingly difficult to find, and I want to know the rest of the story). I got my hands on 16 of the ones on my list! Yay!

P.S. It smelled like Autumn today, my favourite season *content*.

P.P.S. Yes, so, this has turned out to be an actual post. Umm...bye!

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