An account of my experiences, not necessarily in chronological order, injected with random madness.
Go Go Jason Waterfalls!
Friday, August 20, 2010
+20 Jump
I went to the Wings of Paradise butterfly conservatory yesterday, one of my favourite places. While sitting on a bench, this cutie jumped on me:
My favourite kind of spider: the daring jumping spider. She lept at my finger whenever I pointed at her, and even taunted the camera (raising front legs menacingly). I love jumping spiders. They're so friendly, and actually turn their body to look at you. I came to love the daring jumper when I first encountered one, a male, on my porch. We played hide and seek around a brick.

Thursday, August 19, 2010
The past few months have been difficult. I ended my friendship with my closest friend, Kyle. He was a terrible friend, selfish, thoughtless, unreliable, but no one could make me laugh like he did. He had an insane sense of humour and created dozens of wacky characters and skits. Our friendship started at YAP when he showed me his skit about the "Dance of the Beheaded Projectile Penguin". He had all the same interests as I do, and we were always learning from one another. He let me down countless times over the years, but I stayed with him because, frankly, I had no other friends. I just became so tired of being angry at him, of doing all the work to keep the friendship going. I've broken free. I miss him.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Do I Know You?
I'm always seeing people who look incredibly familiar to me, but I can never quite place them. I usually assume they are from high school. It nags at me for days, though. I had dinner at Yukiko's last night and was possitive I knew our waitress. There is very little chance of my seeing her at KCI, as I was not there much for my 4th and 5th year, and paid little attention to anyone, especially grade 9-10 students (she mentioned that she is 18). *wracks brain*
P.S. She had the most incredible eyes; they flashed pale green and chestnut.
P.S. She had the most incredible eyes; they flashed pale green and chestnut.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Darling You're Mean
I like to mess with people. I'm a terrible person. I revel in it. The other day I got a call from someone saying that Solo Mobile wanted to give me a phone with the first month paid. I already have a phone plan with Solo...I wish these frauds would do a little more research, make it more challenging. He asked me for my name. "You don't know?" I asked. He had my last name, but not my first name. I told him I didn't have one. There was a long pause. He actually recovered and attempted to continue the deal, but I told him I wasn't interested.
Solo Mobile,
The Duke Spirit
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
I figure I should write this just for future reference. I rarely talk of my father. He committed suicide when I was 8. It's not that it's a difficult subject for me; I just don't feel the need to talk about him.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
It's Autumn. I don't care what season the calendar says it is. It's cool and windy, leaves are beginning to turn red, and the smells are intoxicating. Right now the smell of watermelon is wafting in from my window. I went for a walk yesterday evening. I was bombarded with memories all of the smells brought back to me. I have always loved Fall, but it is difficult for me; it makes me incredibly happy and sad at the same time. During my dark ages, I often went for walks in the Fall. I was usually quite sad, but the atmosphere seemed to allow me to revel in it. These days, the season brings unpleasant memories, yet they almost make me happy. I don't know how to reconcile these conflicting emotions...
Friday, August 6, 2010
The Paranormal
This is a big part of my life. Many of my family members have had experiences. During a test drive, my aunt threatened to jump out of the car if my uncle didn't let her out immediately -someone was telling her to get out. The salesperson later revealed that someone had died in that car. There is also a picture of my uncle when he was a child hanging in my grandparents' basement. The trees behind him form the shape of a gruff-looking man seemingly standing behind him. I love that picture.
I've experienced quite a bit, myself. I have seen a few shadow people (none with fedoras, unfortunately -that would be awesome). The first time I saw one I was hanging out with a friend at a nearby school during the summer. Through a set of doors which led up some stairs, I saw the form of a person, completely black, no features -not even eyes, at the top of the landing. It was only there for a second before turning and going out of sight up the next flight of stairs. I had never seen anything like it; it was somewhat frightening, but mostly just intriguing. A couple years ago on a trip up north with my great uncle, I thought I saw some shadow people in the trees as we were driving down a back road. I'm not certain if I was these were just an illusion caused by the actual shadows of the trees. Earlier this summer, though, on the way home from another trip with my great uncle, I saw some sort of shadow creature appear from the trees and drop down into the ditch. It was the size of a child, but with longer, gangly arms. There are reports about shadow children, but I don't know of human/monkey hybrids...
There have been other minor things, like hearing my name whispered (something for which my sister was recently hospitalized), but I'm never sure if it's just my mind forming words from background noise, such as the tap running.
The biggest part of my experience has to do with ghosts. As a child, I had company after going to bed. A number of people, all in older style dress (like Mennonite) would be by my bedside. Every night. There was the group of women and children kneeling by my bed, and the old man wearing a flat cap, arms crossed, standing by the window. There was no colour; they were just transparent contours. They never moved, just stared at me, their faces gaunt. This went on for years, and as you can imagine, I was terrified. I slept with the covers over my head. At one point, I managed to work up enough courage to peek out and see if they were still there: they were, and they had a new member, a man with spiky hair, mouth wide open as if he were screaming, directly in front of my face. That was a fun night. Eventually they went away. I think maybe it was because I started to tell people what I had been seeing for years.
Now that I'm older, I wish that I had tried to communicate with them. When I still lived in the old place I tried talking to them, but I never saw or heard anything again. I had a friend once who did a card reading for me. She said that the ghosts left because of me, that I had convinced myself it was safer not to believe perhaps (my mother tells me she was less than supportive when I first told her). She said that in order to open up again I would have to do a lot of work. Along the way, I'm supposed to meet three people who can help me: someone who is not what he or she seems, someone who will try to bargain with me for their help, and another whom I will fall in love with before realizing that she can help. Time will tell...
Of course, all of this may just be me being stark-raving-mad-as-a-hatter.
Side note: I seem to be drawn to people with paranormal experience; many of my friends have had dealings with the supernatural.
I've experienced quite a bit, myself. I have seen a few shadow people (none with fedoras, unfortunately -that would be awesome). The first time I saw one I was hanging out with a friend at a nearby school during the summer. Through a set of doors which led up some stairs, I saw the form of a person, completely black, no features -not even eyes, at the top of the landing. It was only there for a second before turning and going out of sight up the next flight of stairs. I had never seen anything like it; it was somewhat frightening, but mostly just intriguing. A couple years ago on a trip up north with my great uncle, I thought I saw some shadow people in the trees as we were driving down a back road. I'm not certain if I was these were just an illusion caused by the actual shadows of the trees. Earlier this summer, though, on the way home from another trip with my great uncle, I saw some sort of shadow creature appear from the trees and drop down into the ditch. It was the size of a child, but with longer, gangly arms. There are reports about shadow children, but I don't know of human/monkey hybrids...
There have been other minor things, like hearing my name whispered (something for which my sister was recently hospitalized), but I'm never sure if it's just my mind forming words from background noise, such as the tap running.
The biggest part of my experience has to do with ghosts. As a child, I had company after going to bed. A number of people, all in older style dress (like Mennonite) would be by my bedside. Every night. There was the group of women and children kneeling by my bed, and the old man wearing a flat cap, arms crossed, standing by the window. There was no colour; they were just transparent contours. They never moved, just stared at me, their faces gaunt. This went on for years, and as you can imagine, I was terrified. I slept with the covers over my head. At one point, I managed to work up enough courage to peek out and see if they were still there: they were, and they had a new member, a man with spiky hair, mouth wide open as if he were screaming, directly in front of my face. That was a fun night. Eventually they went away. I think maybe it was because I started to tell people what I had been seeing for years.
Now that I'm older, I wish that I had tried to communicate with them. When I still lived in the old place I tried talking to them, but I never saw or heard anything again. I had a friend once who did a card reading for me. She said that the ghosts left because of me, that I had convinced myself it was safer not to believe perhaps (my mother tells me she was less than supportive when I first told her). She said that in order to open up again I would have to do a lot of work. Along the way, I'm supposed to meet three people who can help me: someone who is not what he or she seems, someone who will try to bargain with me for their help, and another whom I will fall in love with before realizing that she can help. Time will tell...
Of course, all of this may just be me being stark-raving-mad-as-a-hatter.
Side note: I seem to be drawn to people with paranormal experience; many of my friends have had dealings with the supernatural.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Musing of the Day
Wouldn't it be neat if during a job interview the employer asked, "If a zombie outbreak occurred during your shift, what would you do?"
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